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JEE Mains: हटाए गए टॉपिक एडवांस में पूछेंगे, सिलेबस में कोई बदलाव नहीं।

JEE Main: हटाए गए टॉपिक एडवांस में पूछेंगे सिलेबस में कोई बदलाव नहीं।  आईआईटी मद्रास को सोंपी जिम्मेदारी, इस साल जल्दी होगा jee एडवांस। Jee advance   आईआईटी काउंसिल ने जेईई एडवांस के सिलेबस में कोई बदलाव नहीं किया है। जो टॉपिक जेईई मैन में हटाए गए थे,वे भी जेईई  एडवांस्ड के सिलेबस में शामिल किए गए हैं।  ऐसे में उन टॉपिक से भी एडवांस में सवाल पूछे जा सकते हैं। आईआईटी काउंसिल ने साल 2024 के एडवांस की जिम्मेदारी भी आईआईटी मद्रास को सोंपी है।  साल 2013 से जेईई एडवांस्ड शुरू होने के बाद दूसरी बार यह जिम्मेदारी मद्रास को सौंपी गई है।  इससे पहले मद्रास ने 2017 में jee एडवांस्ड का आयोजन किया था।उधर एक्सपर्ट का कहना है कि साल 2013 में ही एडवांस का सिलेबस बदल दिया गया था।  इसकी जानकारी कॉउंसिल ने करीब 1 साल पहले ही छात्रों को दे दी थी।  जबकि nta ने jee main के पहले सेशन से कुछ माह पहले ही  सिलेबस रिवाइस करते हुए उसे जारी किया।  ऐसे में जो छात्र सिर्फ NIT प्लस सिस्टम की तैयारीयाँ कर रहे थे और उन्होंने अगर हटाए गए टॉपिक पढ़ लिए होंगे,तो सीधे तौर पर उनके समय का नुकसान हुआ है।  कॉम्पिटेटिव परीक्षाओं

National Cinema Day

  National Cinema Day is not widely recognized or celebrated as a national holiday in many countries. However, some regions or organizations may promote special events or screenings to celebrate the art of cinema. If you're interested in such an event, I recommend checking with local film organizations or theaters in your area for any special screenings or activities related to cinema

New Delhi: Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Minister Carlos Favaro

  New Delhi : Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Minister Carlos Favaro is expected to meet Indian Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Minister Piyush Goyal in New Delhi during his visit from November 1-3.   Favaro's visit comes at a time when countries are eyeing open, uninterrupted and reliable food supply chains and are under pressure to ensure agricultural trade is not affected by unilateral sanctions and protectionist measures. Both sides are also expected to focus on cooperation on ethanol and biofuels.   Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G20 summit and both resolved to increase cooperation in sustainable agriculture and rural development.   India and Brazil are also in talks to expand the India-MERCOSUR Preferential Trade Agreement.   India and Brazil are also in talks to expand the India-MERCOSUR Preferential Trade Agreement.     Favaro's visit comes at a time when countries are eyeing ope


  For the first time in over 100 years, a gray wolf has been spotted in Giant Sequoia National Monument in southern California, the LA Times reported. Michelle Harris, who saw the wolf in early July, described seeing a big, gray canine cross a fire road in the area. “Then it tilted its head back and let out a really decent howl,” Harris told the LA Times. “All I could think was, ‘It doesn’t look like a coyote, but it has to be, right?’” Later analysis of the tracks, hair, and scat left behind proved that the animal was a female gray wolf, the leader of what has now been dubbed the Tulare Pack, the LA Times claimed. With her came four of her offspring, two male and two female. DNA analysis also showed that they are direct descendants of the wolf OR-7, who in 2011 was the first wolf in California in 90 years. Environmentalists were excited about the reappearance of wolves in the area and urged the U.S. Forest Service to halt logging projects in the region until their impact on the endang

World Pharmacist Day 2023: Date,History and more

 World pharmacist Day is celebrated every year, on September 25,2023,as a dedicated occasion to recognize and honour pharmacists for their  contributions to improving global health  Date  World Pharmacists Day is celebrated on the 25th of  September each year on a global cash  History  The history of Indian Pharmacopoeia begain in the year 1833 when the commety of East Indian company dispersion recommend the publication of pharmacopoea & Bengal Pharmacopoeia and general conspector of medicinal plans published in 1844.Which mainly mistake most of use intermediate remedely.  Important  Pharmacy as a Career  Pharmacist in pharma industry  Pharmacy in practice area  Pharmacy in Academics Pharmacy in Regulatory area  Pharmacy in Clinical Research  Medicine manufacturing